Back Orders

If one or more of your purchased items display as back order then you will be notified as soon as the item becomes available again. You’re product will ship out before the item becomes available to new customers to insure you will receive your product first. If at any time you wish to have a full refund for the product you purchased that is on back order you will receive it with no questions asked as we do not deposit your back ordered product purchase until the item ships out to you. If there are multiple products on your order and those items are shipped to you then you will not be refunded shipping costs, however, you will not be charged shipping on your back order item. It will ship out to you via the same postage you selected at the time of your original order at no extra charge to you. If you would like to upgrade your shipping method to a faster more costly method then that is OK as well. Simply respond promptly to the email you receive stating that your product is back in stock and will ship out within 24 hours. If we do not receive a prompt reply your product will ship out using the same method that was selected when you placed the original order. For international orders with multiple items purchased we reserve the right to hold the order in its entirety until all your ordered items are available to ship out to you at the same time and this is for shipping reliability to reduce shipping costs.